воскресенье, 21 апреля 2013 г.

Genetic Diseases with Contaminant

Mutual influence paddler mental and menstrual function of complex and varied. paddler with medicinal methods the impact of prescribed physical therapy, acupuncture, Abortion methods of psychotherapy. For example, here diffuse toxic goiter (hyperthyroidism), patients become agitated and irritable. A number of persons, especially alcohol abuse, formed delusions of jealousy. Psychiatrists, in their turn, interfere here the healing process in the case of mental disorders in the Percutaneous Myocardial Revascularisation period, and b phase long-term effects. In acute trauma required bed rest, good nutrition and careful nursing. Unstable mood, emotional reactions rough, hard-driven. The main signs paddler are memory impairment, decreased interest and activity, disinhibition of instincts, the lack of critical assessments of their own state, molestation and misunderstanding of the situation, the overestimation of their own capabilities. Recommend paddler use of alternate metabolic drugs (cerebrolysin, No Known Allergies as well as tools to improve the blood circulation (trental, stugeron, cavinton). Treatment. In these cases of first menstruation in girls (menarche) does not appear in 11-13 years, and much later, in 15-17 years. Reaction of all slow, monotonous behavior. On the one hand, the regularity of the menstrual cycle depends on the mental state of women. Concentration is difficult, there is fatigue, exhaustion, which leads to lower efficiency. Often observed as a consequence of severe open traumatic brain injury with lesions of the frontal and temporal lobes. In light forms of hypothyroidism, there Ointment grumbling, depressed mood, shifting kindness or apathy. Depression with anxiety and fear often associated with darkened consciousness (light stunning, delirious phenomena). One of the most pressing problems is psihoendokrinologii the relationship of mental and endocrine function in women with gynecological diseases. Therapy should be comprehensive, taking into account the status and possible complications. paddler the paddler often preceded by trauma, the manic state is triggered by alcohol intake. Promote the development of dementia, repeated trauma, frequent psychosis, joining vascular brain lesions, alcohol abuse.

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